I also used their products for years. Do they work? YES! Many people when I ask them how old they think that I am ... usually guess in the mid-30's. I am close to 50 years old.
I started taking better care of my skin in my 20's. My mom introduced me to Clinique and their "Dramatically Different Moisturizer" was my staple skin care product. In my 30's, I realized I needed to be more proactive. Mostly, because I love to tan. I can't stand that white paste look. Some do, I don't. I prefer to have a little tan to my skin. And so, I have always tried to fake bake a couple days a week.
It wasn't until I hit my 30's that I realized I needed to add some products to counter the damage I was doing to my skin.
I added Estee Lauder's Advanced Night Repair (which is by far my favorite product ever before I learned about R + F) and Estee Lauder's Resilience Lift Face Cream. I stopped using the Clinique product. It was a great moisturizer although it didn't add any perks for firming or wrinkles.
ALTHOUGH .... about six months ago, I knew a lady who was selling Rodan + Fields. I followed her on Facebook and I watched what she posted. The pictures really blew me away. Could a product provide such amazing results SO fast? Like really? I mean, not like over night fast because no skin care product works like that .... but within 6 months could your skin undergo such a radical transformation? YES! It was possible. I had not seen this sort of results in working with the other skin care lines. Here is a picture of woman who used the REDEFINE system!
I kept watching this woman on Facebook from a distance. Then, about three months ago ... I began to take a closer look. Because I LOVE trying new products and getting a sense of what they are really like .... I decided to take the plunge buy the whole REDEFINE system ($193.00) in addition to the NIGHT REPAIR SERUM ($89.00). At first I thought the product was a bit expensive but one packaging system lasts for months.
I really wanted to see how this product line held up to my favorite Estee Lauder products. I had been a loyal to Estee Lauder customer for YEARS!
I was very excited to try them. When they arrived, I have to be honest with you .... I was not impressed with the packaging. In working with the top retail companies - I loved the look of the packaging with Estee Lauder, Lancome and Shiseido. For this kind of money, I felt the look of the packaging should reflect the cost.
My degree in college was marketing. I think this is where my love of products, product identity and such began. So, how things look and feel are important to me .... in giving the brand and the product an identity.
I was not too sure of how I related with the identity of Rodan + Fields. It felt at first sterile and not elegant. The packaging was very clinical, sort of like Clinique. On first glance, I even preferred Clinique's packaging to Rodan + Fields.
Although ... I remembered visiting my dermatologist and it seemed like all the high end clinical brands seems to look a bit like Rodan + Fields.
However, the more I used the product and began to research the creator's of Rodan + Fields and ProActiv, the more I realized that this product is a clinical product. You can't really compare it to an Estee Lauder or a Lancome.
It is meant to serve the skin care industry by bringing powerful results. Period. It is a transforming skincare product.
After purchasing the REDEFINE (anti-age, anti-wrinkle package), I decided to also try and weave into my daily routine the REVERSE system ($160.00) dark spot package).
Why? Well, it was because I wanted to reverse any of the skincare damage that I did from tanning. I wanted to even out my skin tone even though I did not have a great deal of sun damage on my face, neck or decollate. I wanted my skin to look great with or without make up.
I began to use the REDFINE system with the NIGHT SERUM at night and I began to use the REVERSE system in the morning. I also rotated that up a bit. But kept consistent with both products.
After a few months, I was shocked at how amazing my skin looked. Even after using high end products for years .... I got results quicker with Rodan + Fields.
So, I decided to take the plunge and begin selling this product! WHY? Because it is a product that really, really works!
Within a month of my using the REDEFINE and REVERSE systems, my 14 year old son started the UNBLEMISH system ($160.00) and within a month ... all of his acne was gone! He now uses it to maintain his healthy skin! He has a new sense of confidence emerging in him! This stuff REALLY works!
How we feel about our skin, can change the way we interact with life!
I began selling Rodan + Fields because I believe in the product! The only hurdle I had to get over in working as an independent consultant for Rodan + Fields was the fact ... that it is a network based marketing firm.
In the past, I had such bad experiences with people trying to push me into selling their products so they could make money off me. I know some people thrive in this sort of selling environment. Not me. I think I had too many opinions and stigmas associated with direct marketing.
Even recently, a man has been trying to get me to be on his network marketing sales team selling a product I don't even believe in. He calls constantly not out of a genuine care for who I am ... but in order to reach his recruiting goals and to build his empire.
Sorry all, but this is just not my deal. I am not motivated by money. I am motivated by seeing people's lives change! I am motivated by working with people who want to add value into the lives of others!
I believe in some very simple marketing steps. Believe. Care. Add Value.
SALES & MARKETING - My Strategy for Success 101
- BELIEVE. Only represent a great product you believe in.
- CARE. Great customer service, really care about people and what they need.
- ADD VALUE. Only sell something if it adds value to your client! Period! If it doesn't serve them and what they need, then don't sell something to them!
I love the Rodan + Fields brand. It truly is an exceptional product. I say this as one who has worked with some amazing lines. All of which have great products that really do work. The question will always be ... what is the best product for you?
THIS is the kind of business I run with Rodan + Fields - a business that cares about people; about you.
If you are just hearing about Rodan + Fields, my recommendation to you is to TRY the product. Within 3 months, you will know if it is meeting your skin care needs. You will know if you have found the product that works for you. I will be posting more reviews on specific products. If there is something you would like to know more about .... leave a comment below!
For more information on what Rodan + Fields product might work best for your skincare needs, check out this link: https://loridethlefs.myrandf.com/Shop
If you think you might want to be apart of my skin care consultant team, send me an email at loridethlefs@gmail.com and check out this link: https://loridethlefs.myrandf.biz!
Know my heart, I don't want to make money off of anyone! I want to see women empowered to make a difference in the lives of others! This is a great way to supplement your income.
- I am having a quiet day at home.
- I am making beef strognaff for my family tonight. My cute little Bichon Frise pup found his way onto our counter to lick the spoon! He is such a funny pup. Here is his picture. This was him sitting in my suitcare as we were packing to go to Italy last year.
- Insanity is often defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the same results.
- If you are in a rut or stuck and want to see something change in your life ... the best way out is "baby steps". Decide today, to make one small step towards the dreams in your heart.
- YOU can make a difference in the lives of others. It begins by believing in yourself and what you were created to do!
What baby step can you take today ...
.... to seeing something new bloom in your life?
.... to seeing something new bloom in your life?